Bun is a fast, all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, from a single file to a full-stack application. Today, Bun is stable and production-ready.
Bun is a drop-in replacement for Node.js. That means existing Node.js applications and npm packagesjust workin Bun.
let a = Math.random()
let b = Math.random()
let start = Date.now()
let count = 100000000console.log('\n========')
console.log(`${count} Math.pow() running through NodeJs`)
while (count > 0) {
Math.pow(a, b)
let end = Date.now()
console.log(`Took ${end - start}ms.`)
基本维持在 60ms,再来看看 Bun:
Bun 居然还比 NodeJs 慢了 40ms。
怎么说呢,以我的智商想要给你们解释这件事情……还是太难为我了,不过 1 亿次计算,40ms 的差距貌似在生产环境中看起来也不是那么明显,毕竟是第一个稳定版本嘛,相信后面 Bun 团队应该会解决的!
就在我基本拥抱 Serverless 的时候,Bun 出现了,一开始我会觉得它的出现有点不是时候,但是亲自上手之后,可以说 Bun 又激起了我写 Server-ful
App 的兴趣,不仅仅因为性能,更加是因为 Bun 的开发体验,很多经过重构的 API 简直美的不像话!